Utah Business

Honoree 5/22

Brynn Murdocks answers questions about being recognized as a 20 In Their 20s honoree.

Brynn Murdock, 28 | 2023 20 In Their 20s

Brynn Murdocks answers questions about being recognized as a 20 In Their 20s honoree.

Executive Director, Ogden School Foundation | Ogden City School District

What are you most proud of in your career thus far?

I am proud of the impact we make on our community as a foundation. Ogden School District (OSD) has unique demographics, with over 65 percent of students being economically disadvantaged and 63 percent of students being students of color. One in 10 OSD students experience homelessness. Because of these challenges, I believe the work we do has one of the greatest impacts in Utah. In addition to providing education enhancement opportunities to our students, we have also made student and staff well-being a focus area. We ensure basic needs, safety and other necessities are met so students can realize their educational success.

Was there a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today?

I had just completed all the prerequisites and was starting the shadowing hours to apply for a competitive academic program. I made it through only one hour of shadowing before I went home crying because I knew it wasn’t what I wanted to do. My mom advised me to find a career I was passionate about even if it meant starting over. I am forever grateful that I found my passion for helping my community and learned that opportunities to pursue our passions are endless when we approach them with intention and creativity.

What advice do you have for other young professionals?

As a young female professional, I realized I was subconsciously putting cultural limitations on myself and not reaching my full potential. I would shy away from being assertive or leading out. I learned to surround myself with individuals who saw potential in me and helped push me to achieve it. It is important to speak up and add value to conversations and meetings. It’s important to go into every meeting prepared, having done all your research, and then still be ready to listen and learn.

Connect with Brynn Murdock on LinkedIn.

Mekenna is the editor of Utah Business magazine and a graduate of the print journalism program at Utah State University. She has written about business, music and culture for publications like Business Insider, Time Out, SLUG Magazine, Visit Salt Lake and the Standard-Examiner. She loves hiking, thrifting, reading and going on camping trips with her partner in their 1986 Land Cruiser.