Utah Business

Honoree 22/22

Will Terry answers questions about being recognized as a 20 In Their 20s honoree.

Will Terry, 22 | 2023 20 In Their 20s

Will Terry answers questions about being recognized as a 20 In Their 20s honoree.

Political Action Coordinator | Equality Utah

What are you most proud of in your career thus far?

What sticks out the most is aiding in the bipartisan passage of legislation that banned conversion therapy, a damaging and debunked practice aimed at changing an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity. This was a crucial victory for LGBTQ+ rights and mental health in Utah. I’m also proud to have spearheaded initiatives to elect pro-LGBTQ+ candidates in the 2021, 2022 and 2023 election cycles. Another highlight has been my appointment to the Salt Lake City Human Rights Commission, which works to eradicate discrimination within Salt Lake City to enhance the general welfare of the city’s residents, diverse neighborhoods and businesses.

What is the most fulfilling part of the work you do?

Being actively involved during a critical time for the LGBTQ+ movement is something I feel so lucky to be a part of. The opportunity to not only contribute but witness firsthand how to bring about real-world change effectively is something that has altered my life forever. Change isn’t about the fight. It’s about the people you bring together and the hearts you change along the way.

Who inspires you?

I’m inspired by everyone in Utah politics who approaches problem-solving with civility and an open mind, knowing they might not have all the answers.

Connect with Will Terry on LinkedIn.

Mekenna is the editor of Utah Business magazine and a graduate of the print journalism program at Utah State University. She has written about business, music and culture for publications like Business Insider, Time Out, SLUG Magazine, Visit Salt Lake and the Standard-Examiner. She loves hiking, thrifting, reading and going on camping trips with her partner in their 1986 Land Cruiser.