Ogden—Looking for a place to knit? The Needlepoint Joint has you covered.

Located on Ogden’s Historic 25th Street, the establishment—which actually offers not just knitting, but also spinning, needlepoint, tatting, weaving and crochet—isn’t what you might expect to see nestled around all the shopping, dining and bars. But this crafting community has actually been around for 44 years, and is still going strong.

“We were one of the early businesses in this area. In 1992, Judith Jones was seeking a building for her business when the historic property on 25th street became available. We are pleased to have such a charming building for our business,” said Amelia Jones, manager of the Needlepoint Joint and daughter of its owner, Judith. “It’s a great community. It’s becoming more and more vibrant. When we first started here, there were some empty storefronts and dilapidated buildings. We’d much rather be in a vibrant, fun area, with a lot of people. We’re really excited to see that.”

Community is a big thing for the Needlepoint Joint—and, in order to bolster that, the shop offers a host of classes and programs. Their classes run the gamut from beginning knitting to rigid heddle weaving to social knitting nights. They even have a knitting support group where people can come in and get extra help on projects, or a spinning circle where spinners can learn and enjoy each other’s company while they work.

“It’s great to see what other people in the community are making and get inspiration and share some time knitting,” said Jones. “You can come and, in a casual atmosphere, spin or stitch or weave with some people.”

The clientele that frequent the shop are varied, said Jones.

“We have some teenagers on up that are really into knitting. It has been popular for a number of years with people who are not necessarily grandmas. It’s a lot of fun and a lot of younger people are doing it—especially knitting, but also spinning and weaving,” she said.

Anything a person needs to get their projects going—or get started, period—is either available in the shop or can be located, said Jones. The knowledgeable staff is on hand to answer questions, and that staff includes not only Jones, but her mother, who founded the business. Plus, because the shop has been around for so many years, they’ve ended up with books and specialty items not often found in other such establishments. Some of them—like a Shetland Island knitting belt, used for knitting while hiking—are more curiosity items, but these rare items give the shop even more interest and depth.

“We have fun doing what we do,” Jones said. “The people who work here are excellent. They have a high level of expertise in knitting—everyone who works here knits. Not everyone spins or weaves, but we have a high level of expertise and we have fun with it, and we hope that we’re sharing that with others.”