With a strong economy and hardworking residents, Utah isconsistently ranked as one of the best places to live. It’s hard to pick up anypublication focused on the economy and not see Utah lauded for our continuedjob growth and young, growing population. But while there is no doubt that astrong economy produces many positive effects, it does present challenges.

For instance, we are struggling in Utah to meet thedemand for well-trained workers. According to the U.S. Chamber of CommerceFoundation, there are nearly three workers forevery four available jobs in Utah, and while analysts don’t believe the stateis headed for another recession, some predict our economic growth could leveloff. This means that now, more than ever, we need a stable, skilled labor force— and quickly.

SLCC, in collaboration with ourlocal industry and business partners, is committed to supporting Utah’s economyby educating and training as many students as possible. We do this by embracingthe principle that higher education should be accessible to anyone who desiresit. This has been fundamental to our mission since our founding in 1948, andtoday we are proud to be the state’s largest open-access higher educationinstitution.

Our pledge to provide educational access to all issupported by our constant efforts to build high quality programs and trainingopportunities at a reasonable cost. Students seeking short-term workforcecertifications can do so for less at SLCC, and students who are working towardbaccalaureate degrees can save up to $10,000 by first earning an associate’sdegree with us and then transferring to one of Utah’s four-year universities. Thesesavings help students minimize loan debt, enter the workforce on financiallystable footing and make immediate contributions to our local communities and economy.

So how do we do it?

Three years ago we debuted an initiative called SLCCPromise. The Promise program is designed to entice students to attend full timeby promising to cover the cost of tuition when federal grants fall short. Todate, SLCC Promise has awarded over $2.75 million to more than 2,000 students,removing a significant economic barrier to obtaining a college education.

Beginning in fall 2020, we’ve committed to help even more students manage the cost of college by lowering the SLCC Promise minimum semester credit requirement from 12 to nine. We believe this change will persuade even more students who can’t carry a full-time credit load to enroll and take advantage of our financial support. We know many of our students must work full-time to meet their family obligations. This expanded SLCC Promise will help them balance work and school and get the financial assistance they need to finish their certificate or degree.

And have you priced a textbook lately?

While tuition is often cited as the most signficant financial barrier to a college education, it is not the only cost faced by our students. Required textbooks can cost $1,200 per year for a full-time student. Our research shows that some students take fewer classes as a result of these costs or enroll in the course but don’t buy the textbook, significantly impairing their learning and success. Given these facts, and in conjunction with our remarkably innovative instructors, we launched Open SLCC in 2014. This initiative replaces traditional textbooks with comparable, high quality, free online educational resources. We are proud to report that since launching Open SLCC, more than 133,000 of our students have taken advantage of these options, saving students $11 million in textbook costs.

In addition to affordable options, SLCC continues to offerstudents an exceptional educational experience. During their time with us,students have the opportunity to study in state-of-the-art facilities, with an averageclass size of 20, taught by experienced, world-class and caring faculty.

High quality, hightouch, low cost.

The critical connection between a state’s higher education system and its economic health is undeniable. A college certificate or degree has a transformative effect on the lives of students by providing them with opportunities to prosper, both professionally and personally. SLCC plays an indispensable role in educational access, and our institution will continue to seek creative, innovative and daring solutions to prepare our students to launch successful careers and achieve their dreams. Our goal is to educate students, who, in turn, will lift their families, their communities, and, ultimately, the nation.