Ability Prosthetic Systems Merges with NYC-based Handspring Prosthetic Rehabilitation

Salt Lake City—Ability Prosthetic Systems, a leading prosthetic patient care provider in the Rocky Mountain Region at 750 East 100 South, Salt Lake City, is proud to announce Monday that they have merged with Handspring Prosthetic Rehabilitation, an international leader in upper limb prosthetic patient care

Finding real-world synergies amongst the people involved is the key to successfully bringing together organizations and this unique union definitely meets those goals. The addition of the highly skilled staff of Ability Prosthetics to the Handspring Team deepens the administrative, clinical and fabrication expertise in helping prosthetic patients while also providing Handspring with an excellent location from which to grow throughout the western part of the country.

“The ongoing changes in healthcare are making it increasingly difficult for smaller prosthetic companies to survive on their own while continuing to serve patients in creative, patient-centered ways,” said J. Thomas Andrew, CP, FAAOP. “As we really got to know the people with Handspring, we quickly learned that they have very similar patient care goals to what we have had for over 20 years. By coming together with them, we get to focus on patient care while the business details are managed by the Handspring Team.”

“Being able to combine with Tom Andrew and his team in Salt Lake City will further strengthen our Handspring Team,” says Laura Katzenberger, CP, LP, and Director of Clinical Services for Handspring. “Finding people with decades of experience and knowledge in upper limb prosthetics is tough to do, so when you find people with that background, who are also great to get along with, it’s definitely time to take the steps needed to add them to our team so we can help even more patients.”

“Tom Andrew’s reputation for creativity in the prosthetics profession is stellar but being able to add Mike Jay and Judy Floyd really sealed the deal for us,” said Mark Ford, President of Handspring. “When we combine these folks with another of our clinician who lives in Salt Lake, Chris Baschuk, MPO, CPO, LP, FAAOP, we firmly believe that we have the strongest prosthetic team in the Rocky Mountain region.”