United Way of Salt Lake and Silicon Slopes Present the Social Good Track

Salt Lake City — United Way of Salt Lake and Silicon Slopes have partnered together to present the Social Good track at the 2020 Silicon Slopes Tech Summit. Attendees will hear from prominent leaders in social innovation, with an inspiring agenda that includes speakers from the Ballmer Group, Blue Meridian, Strive Together, and United Way of Salt Lake.

Social Good Track – Silicon Slopes Summit 

2:00 p.m. Jan. 30 | Find Your World-Changing Social Innovation

Leaders: Terri Ludwig, President of Philanthropy at Ballmer Group

  Jim Shelton, Chief Impact and Investment Officer at Blue Meridian Group

More and more companies are becoming key partners in solving major social and global challenges. They’re building impact goals into their core business models. This is both a moral imperative and a recruitment and retention prerequisite. Hear from President Obama’s Deputy Secretary of Education and the President of Ballmer Group’s philanthropy about how they came to invest in outcomes, systems transformation, and the partnerships that support big change. Join the conversation about the role that technology, data systems, and data capability can play in achieving change at scale, and the impact that these investors are seeing across the country.

3:15 p.m. Jan. 30 |  Together We Go Far: Partnerships for Economic Mobility

Leaders: Jennifer Blatz, CEO of Strive Together 

  Bill Crim, President and CEO of United Way of Salt Lake

Along the Wasatch Front and in communities across the country, philanthropists, business leaders, nonprofits, education, and government leaders are working together to solve some of the most pressing social issues we face. Using technology that supports aggregation and analysis is critical in order to understand and enable solutions. Hear inspiring lessons about how uncommon partners are rallying resources and using data to build more equitable outcomes for kids and how those working on changing society are learning how to harness technology forces for good.

Register for these, and other Social Good track sessions, at

Before the summit begins, UWSL and will kick off the event with an exclusive Social Good Done Better Reception. Guests are invited to hear from local business leaders who have leveraged technology to connect employees with meaningful ways to give back to the community.

Squatters Pub Brewery

January 29th at 5:30 p.m.

This reception is free, but space is limited. Register at