Salt Lake City— Peterson Search Partners, a Peterson Partners strategy dedicated to search funds and micro-cap buyouts, has announced a final close on $100m for Fund II.  

The fund is mandated to invest behind “search fund” operators into cash-flowing businesses.

“We have conviction in this strategy, which is why we have been investing in the space for over 20 years,” says Clint Peterson, Managing Partner at Peterson Partners. “We are excited to double down and invest out of our second dedicated fund with outside investors.”

Peterson Partners and Joel Peterson has been one of a handful institutional investors in the search space over the past two decades, backing search entrepreneurs in companies such as PEC Safety, Stealth Monitoring, Integra, Design Communications, Performance Systems  Integration, and HemaSource.  

“Our founding partner Joel Peterson has been a long-time pioneer in the search investing space, and we are honored to continue to build upon that foundation,” says Max Artz, Partner at  Peterson Search. “We believe in entrepreneurship through acquisition in any economic cycle  because we back incredible entrepreneurs, and then help them succeed in growing an enduring  business.” 

Max has previously been a General Manager of a Chinese-based manufacturer. He is also an alum of Stanford GSB. 

Peterson Search has expanded the team, recently hiring Kate Pettinato. Kate has a background in healthcare investment banking. Kate will work to provide industry-leading support for searchers and portfolio companies within Peterson Search Partners. 

Peterson Partners, a Salt Lake City-based investment firm, has $1.8B AUM and has invested in more than 300 companies, including Allbirds, Vivint, Lucid Software, and Azul.