This story appears in the February issue of Utah Business. Subscribe

Each year, Utah Business celebrates the professionals changing Utah’s business landscape in big ways—all before reaching the age of 40. This year’s honorees embody the essence of leadership, resilience and forward-thinking that not only propels their success but also serves as a catalyst for the evolution of the business landscape in the state as a whole.

2024 Forty Under 40 awards photographed by MANICPROJECT for Utah Business

Honorees | 2024

Emily Adams

Founding Partner | The Appellate Group

Who inspires you most? Why?

One person who inspires me is the judge I clerked first after law school: the Hon. Heidi Schellhas of the Minnesota Court of Appeals. She is smart, careful and thoughtful, and she pushed me to be a better lawyer. More importantly, after I finished my clerkship with her, she became my mentor and cheerleader. I would go to lunch with her and leave feeling like I could do anything. She built me up and cared about me, and she is a model for the type of attorney and person I strive to be. 

What advice do you have for your younger self?

Take risks. Just ask. It’s amazing what can happen when you reach out, ask for advice and do things outside your comfort zone.

Nathan Ted Ahlin

CEO | Mountain West Industrial

What is the most rewarding thing about your job/industry? Why?

The most rewarding parts of my job are the people that I have been able to meet and learn from and the opportunities to learn about how the world works. I work in industries that keep the country and the world running. Copper is required for power; cement for roads, homes and other infrastructure; fuel production keeps vehicles and commerce running; food processing keeps people fed; fertilizers help farmers produce what is needed for the world to eat; steel for buildings; precious metals and minerals are used for everything from coffee filter to microchips. Learning how the mine in my local area is connected to the world economy and essential to the world’s functioning is very rewarding.

What is your go-to business strategy? Why?

Ownership. Taking ownership for mistakes or issues is the only way to truly grow as a person. No one will grow if there is always an excuse or if everything was someone else’s fault, and without personal growth, there will not be business growth. 

Zachary Ames

Founder | XYZ Leadership

What is the most rewarding thing about your job/industry? Why?

No great accomplishment has ever occurred without leadership and being part of that in some way is deeply gratifying. Getting a front-row seat to the growth of leaders and watching their teams and companies thrive are among the greatest things I can imagine doing for work.

What advice do you have for your younger self?

I would tell my younger self to stay the course and to fight for what you believe in. Life naturally will have its ups and downs, but the most important thing is to be unabashed in the dream of what you want to do and be willing and open to make it a reality.


Jennifer Arnold

COO | Transit Scientific

Are you where you thought you’d be when you were 18?

At 18, I aspired to become a doctor, driven by a passion for health care and helping others. However, a single semester of organic chemistry convinced me to pivot toward biomedical engineering, where I could leverage my strengths for a broader impact on the health care industry. And here I am! However, my 18-year-old self would be surprised to realize how much I love working at a startup and wearing so many different non-technical hats in addition to being an engineer.

Who inspires you most? Why?

My mom inspires me profoundly. She was a successful female engineer when there were even fewer women in the field, and she nurtured my passion and talent for the sciences early. She even kept me motivated when I went through moments of discouragement in STEM growing up that often pushed out other young girls and women. Her positivity, encouragement and influential presence made her a remarkable role model in both my personal and professional journey.


Beccy Bingham

VP, Marketing | Novva Data Centers

What is the most rewarding thing about your job/industry? Why?

Not everyone in the data center industry would give you this answer, but I love that at Novva, there is value given to beauty. I get to create beautiful things for our brand in a beautiful space. Aesthetics matter in any business, especially high-stress environments like data centers. Having spaces for employees to relax and regroup, places they are proud of and excited to spend time in, is necessary for a healthy work/life balance.

What’s after 40? What do you see in your future?

I have flexibility in my day-to-day, which helps me create something resembling balance at home, and as a working mom, I’m constantly in awe of women who don’t have that luxury. These ideas are just a small seed in my mind, but I’m interested in creating something that supports women in juggling the demands of mothering and working.


Breezy Boseman

Director, Events | Entrata

What is one thing you’re most proud of accomplishing in your career thus far?

When I look back to when I started at Entrata, I just have to laugh. My job was shipping swag and banners around the country. Now, 11 years later, I manage multi-million dollar campaigns, a team of hardworking colleagues and hundreds of events. I love thinking about all the hard work and late nights that went into growing the program. 

Who inspires you most? Why?

I am lucky to have a lot of incredible people in my life who inspire me. My newest inspiration is my two-year-old daughter. She is such a perfect example of confidence and determination. It inspires me to be more like that for myself and for her. I want to do everything in my power to fuel that in her for as long as I can. I want her to look to me as an example and know that if she works hard enough, she can do whatever she wants to do and be whoever she wants to be.


Donald Cherry III

Executive Director, Corporate Sustainability & DEI | USANA Health Sciences

What is one thing you’re most proud of accomplishing in your career thus far?

I am proud of what I represent to a lot of other people. My first job at the company was as a receptionist at the front desk, and since then I’ve been fortunate to have held multiple positions in different departments, leading to my current role as executive director of corporate sustainability and DEI. Representation matters, and seeing someone go from an entry-level position to executive director lets others know they can do it, too. I am passionate about working cross functionally to create and bring awareness to programs that highlight professional development and career growth paths. I’m most proud of working with the teams in these specific areas to build new programs onto an already solid foundation at USANA.

What are you most looking forward to accomplishing in 2024?

I am looking forward to taking USANA’s sustainability and DEI programs to the next stage in their maturity. Both programs are relatively new within our company, and we’ve been working on setting the foundation in these areas. The next step is optimizing specific high-impact initiatives and aligning focuses company wide—including the 25 global markets we operate in.


Peter Chun

SVP, Sales | Lucid Software 

What is your go-to business strategy? Why?

Growing up in Hawaii, I was raised with the importance of treating others with the “Aloha Spirit.” This means we have mutual regard and affection for others and extend warmth and caring without obligation. These values have significantly influenced our team’s go-to business strategy of leading with empathy internally when working with others across the organization and especially externally when working with prospects and customers.

What is the most rewarding thing about your job/industry? Why?

The greatest fulfillment comes from helping others reach and expand their potential. I enjoy having a hands-on approach to training and development to help our team members master their craft. It’s so rewarding to see each individual find success and confidence in their careers and personal lives. It’s important to me that our people know we care for them beyond what they can do for Lucid. As leaders, we genuinely care about what’s best for them and their long-term careers and will always work to help them succeed, whether with our team or beyond.


Ali Cloward

Director, Business Risk Services | Moss Adams

Are you where you thought you’d be when you were 18?

Not at all! I always thought I would end up in the medical field. I wanted to help people, and that seemed like a good way I could make a difference. I landed where I was supposed to, however. I enjoy the dynamic, fast-paced nature of what we do—no day looks the same, and I am never bored in my job. Having worked with many different companies of various sizes and different industries, I have learned so much about how businesses operate. The professional development and networking opportunities that come from doing what we do are incredible. In my career, I’ve had the amazing opportunity to travel the world and visit over 20 countries for work. Before I started my career, I had never left North America. 

What advice do you have for your younger self?

I would tell myself to embrace new experiences and challenges as they come. You’ll never feel 100 percent ready for the next position or new leadership role. You just have to dive in and trust your gut.


Jennifer Cornet

President | bread & Butter

What is one thing you’re most proud of accomplishing in your career thus far?

I am so proud of the growth of bread & Butter! During my time at this incredible company, we have grown from six locations to 20, including Park City. We have grown into new capabilities and divisions—from public relations to all things digital and a creative studio. What I am most proud of is that this growth has been intentional and thoughtful. 

What advice do you have for your younger self?

You don’t have to be a boss to be a leader. Trust your heart. Be stubborn about your goals and flexible with your methods. Have fun!

Riley S. Crosbie

President | Adams Wealth Advisors

What is your go-to business strategy? Why?

Never get too high or too low. After a tough day, the best thing you can do is regroup and get after it the next morning. If you put in the work, things tend to take care of themselves.

What does success look like to you?

The beauty of the question is that we all must define this for ourselves. I believe it all comes down to having joy in your life. Far too many of us are constantly chasing what’s ahead and fail to enjoy the journey. Having balance in your life and deriving joy in multiple areas is my definition of success.


Stephanie Dailey

General Contractor | Steven Dailey Construction

Founder | StephanieBuildsIt

Co-Founder |

What is one thing you’re most proud of accomplishing in your career thus far?

Innovation in construction technology and the promotion of women in trades careers. We are in an industry that is not used to seeing a lot of innovation and change. In honoring the people who have built this industry to date, I enjoy being someone who shakes things up a bit. Implementing technology into a primarily old-school space is exciting. Encouraging women to see the beauty in the construction industry has been challenging. However, it’s a challenge I accept! We have an essential industry with a huge labor gap and a low percentage of women. It’s a natural fit and a good answer to a large problem.

What does success look like to you?

Freedom. The people I look up to in business and life all have that in common. They travel the world and experience different cultures. They enjoy family time and can check out for any length of time. They have gained the freedom to live and experience life without the stress of building a business or being enveloped in work.


Nikki Day

Founder & CEO | Ayla & Co

What is one thing you’re most proud of accomplishing in your career thus far?

We launched Ayla & Co at the tail end of 2020, which, as I am sure you can imagine, was a very difficult time to launch a business. Very early on, we dealt with supply chain collapse, manufacturing delays and setbacks, skyrocketing inflation around containers and importation, factory shutdowns, and even a stolen container that was a net loss of over a million dollars for our small business. Aside from this, a few weeks before our business launched, my husband lost his job. Our little side hustle very quickly became something much more serious overnight. To see how far we have come is something I am very proud of. 

What does success look like to you?

Success is an interesting word. When I think about what success looks like, I think back on all the times I didn’t give up and all the setbacks I overcame since the launch of our brand. Success is measured less by specific benchmarks or accomplishments than by how many times I failed and chose to keep trying. The success often observed and measured by others is very different than the success you feel when you are “in the trenches” of running a business.


Emily Faraone

Co-Founder | 58 Ember Media

What is the most rewarding thing about your job/industry? Why?

My appreciation for the podcasting industry came from being a consumer and listener when I needed the escape the platform brings. Now, with our podcast network, I can help creators every day with their storytelling and expanding the audience they reach. Connecting users with a show that can very easily change their life is rewarding. Our shows on 58 Ember are impactful as they provide entertainment, education and escape for our listeners.

What advice do you have for your younger self?

Looking back on my career and life, the most impactful decisions I have made that have led to the most rewarding outcomes were never the easy route. Taking the path that takes extra work and is more challenging has always had the most meaningful outcome. The more you take the challenging route, the quicker you learn that you can do hard things, and the easier it becomes to do it again.


Dalia Gonzalez

Director, Operations | The People’s Health Clinic

Are you where you thought you’d be when you were 18?

No, I thought I’d be a nurse in a hospital. I always knew I wanted to provide patient care in the medical field. My college education and health care workforce experience provided me with the skills and opportunities to be involved in health care administration and operations.

What is the most rewarding thing about your job/industry? Why?

I find it rewarding that I am part of the organization that once provided me with health care as an uninsured child, and I can now give back the care I once gave to our uninsured patients of Summit and Wasatch Counties. I can contribute ideas, solutions and workflows to the operations of our nonprofit clinic.


Kawai Goodman

COO | Spacestation Gaming

Are you where you thought you’d be when you were 18?

Not even close. I have been a gamer from a very young age and always thought working in the industry would be a dream, but I figured it would always stay a dream. By the time I was 18, I had already decided the accounting and finance route was where I was headed, and it was unlikely to lead me to a career in gaming. 

What is the most rewarding thing about your job/industry? Why?

Working in an industry I love and am passionate about is incredible because it doesn’t feel like work. We are building something that has been a hobby of mine for as long as I can remember. Weekends, travel, late nights and all the stuff that would usually feel like drudgery ends up feeling more like hanging out with friends.


Caitlin Hansen

Co-Founder & COO | Mindless

What are you most looking forward to accomplishing in 2024?

I’m looking forward to stepping into a new chapter and building a business aligned with purpose and impact. Stay tuned. 

What advice do you have for your younger self?

There is no such thing as failure. Every setback is a lesson and will help you do better next time. Continue to take action; the worst thing that can happen is you wake up tomorrow and the next day and the next in the same place. Bet on yourself.


Scott Haslam

Founder & CEO | Kingbee Vans

What is your go-to business strategy? Why?

Disruption. I am innately creative, and I love to find ways to improve industries and ultimately provide a better product and service to the customer. This comes from challenging the standard way business is done. As an example, Kingbee Vans offers a work-ready cargo van rental. No other van rental provider offers their customers shelving, ladder racks and signage. This disruptive effort has led to massive growth and market share in just over two years of business.

What are you most looking forward to accomplishing in 2024?

I have spent the past 11 years scaling businesses from the ground up. It started in my brother’s driveway and has led to multiple midmarket companies doing over $100 million in combined revenue. All of this was bootstrapped, and the next growth stage will come through mergers and acquisitions. This is a new frontier for me, and nothing is more exciting than new challenges and opportunities to learn.


Palmer Hawkins

VP, Operations | Curecrete Distribution, Inc.

What is your go-to business strategy? Why?

The world is changing—faster and faster all the time. This makes it dangerous to rely on “tried and true” strategies. Doing what you’ve always done is likely the wrong move if your market has changed. These days, a more prudent approach is to reignite your curiosity, challenge your underlying assumptions, and seek a renewed understanding of your customers, competitors and the influences of your market. A strategy crafted in that environment has a greater chance of success. Remember, behind all the numbers and models are real people. Keep them at the forefront of your mind throughout the process.

What is the most rewarding thing about your job/industry? Why?

I’ve gained valuable professional experiences in various industries, contributing to a diverse skill set and perspective. Currently, I am part of the Curecrete Distribution team, focusing on providing concrete solutions for the construction and maintenance sectors. My role as VP of Operations involves collaborating with talented colleagues within our organization and customers around the globe. We take pride in our global product offerings, but what truly matters to our team is the meaningful impact our solutions have on the lives of those who depend on them. It goes beyond a simple business transaction; it’s a profound responsibility we embrace.


Chad Hernandez

CEO | Cash & Co.

What is the most rewarding thing about your job/industry? Why?

Making others feel happy and important by giving is rewarding. I’ve molded and adapted different processes within customer experience to help Cash & Co. from the beginning. In the first three years of launching, I was addicted to finding new ways to boost the customer experience to help grow the brand organically. I oversaw every order and detail only to make it better! If a customer added a piece to their cart but didn’t buy it, I would add that piece to their order with a handwritten note letting them know that the piece is on us, thanking them for their support. This helped the customer feel heard, tell others and buy more pieces. Going above and beyond expectations makes me the most fulfilled. It’s not about the money or accolades; it’s about making someone smile today! 

What advice do you have for your younger self?

Since college, I’ve kept a personal journal of the hard times and trials I’ve faced on my business journey. My journal gets bigger and bigger every year, but it serves me with advice and personal motivation when these difficulties arise. These things in my journal have deep meaning to me: how you do anything is how you do everything, follow your heart, and do what’s right—no matter the consequence.


Emily D. Holt

Shareholder | Parsons Behle & Latimer

What is one thing you’re most proud of accomplishing in your career thus far?

What I am most proud of in my career is making shareholder at Parsons Behle & Latimer while being a mother to four small kids. As a female professional, you are told that you can’t have a successful career and family, but that is just not true. You can have both, and I am really proud and grateful that I do.

What is the most rewarding thing about your job/industry? Why?

The most rewarding thing about my job is my clients. I love that I get to interact with so many interesting individuals and businesses in Utah. I focus my practice on finance, helping my clients borrow or lend money. In that, I get to know my clients’ businesses and watch them grow in their industries. It is gratifying to get to be a small part of their successes.


Jason Howell

Partner | Cooper Savas LLC

What is your go-to business strategy? Why?

Understanding and anticipating the needs of my clients is paramount to our business success. This means a lot of listening. Learning from clients and colleagues isn’t just a sign of respect but a core business strategy. I’ve learned every business is different, and the most effective way to serve is to immerse myself in their world and tailor our best-in-class expertise accordingly.

What is the most rewarding thing about your job/industry? Why?

Being part of a group committed to excellence, accountability, inclusiveness and flexibility is rewarding. We love exceeding our clients’ expectations, which requires continual growth while building off already-established momentum. Recognizing the strengths of each individual and positioning them to use and develop their abilities is a fulfilling process that we embrace.


Garry Hrechkosy

VP, Accounting | MX Technologies, Inc.

What is your go-to business strategy? Why?

Build a diverse team. Diverse viewpoints, experiences and backgrounds create opportunities to excel, learn and grow at work and personally.

What is one thing you’re most proud of accomplishing in your career thus far?

I’m proud to have built a world-class accounting team during the pandemic.


Maya Jolley

Associate Director, Student Experience | Goff Strategic Leadership Center, David Eccles School of Business

What is the most rewarding thing about your job/industry? Why?

In the fast-paced evolution of our world, with online meetings and AI advancements reshaping work, the need for swift innovation and creativity is paramount. In my role at Goff, I have the opportunity to shape the leaders of tomorrow. I guide them to navigate and anticipate the shifting landscape, preparing them to practice personal ownership, ask the right questions and strategically create value for themselves.

Who inspires you most? Why?

My greatest inspiration comes from my mother and grandmother. My mother—a determined, single mom—was committed to crafting a life full of joy, exploration and continuous learning. My grandmother, a woman who immigrated from Argentina with nothing but my grandfather’s love letter in her pocket, was resolute in creating a family that extended beyond blood relations. The neighbor, neighbor’s cousin and grocery store clerk were always invited to our dinner table. Through their example, I absorbed the significance of community, the value of education, the strength of perseverance and the timeless advice that most things are better at home.


Nai Kanell

CMO | MedTrainer

Are you where you thought you’d be when you were 18?

No, I am a first-generation refugee. I grew up with very little. I don’t think I would have been able to afford college without the Clara Abbott Foundation scholarship I received through my mother’s work. Being able to get a white-collar job was a success in my family. I had a high school teacher inspire me. He taught me that marketing can be an engine for helping a company grow. I ventured down that path and hoped I could work as a professional for Coca-Cola or P&G one day. Fate brought me into the B2B side of marketing, and my career evolved from there. I never anticipated that I would one day be a CMO. 

What is the most rewarding thing about your job/industry? Why?

I love creating win-win situations at home and at work. Solving a problem is a really fun challenge for me if I can solve it in a way that makes everyone happy and excited about a better outcome! At MedTrainer, helping health care administrators or professionals discover a better way to get their manual work done is exciting. I get to experience how our technology makes them better and constantly provides better work/life balance. This is a win-win for MedTrainer because we are delighting our customers and growing the company at the same time.


Qun (Maxine) Liu

General Manager, Interoperability & SVP, M&A Integration | Health Catalyst

Are you where you thought you’d be when you were 18?

I’d never thought about being in a different country, speaking a foreign language, being an executive in a public company and meeting my husband. I think the 18-year-old me would have told you I would be a scientist, but the reality was that I quit my Ph.D. study to become an entrepreneur more than 13 years ago. Life is unpredictable.

What is your go-to business strategy? Why?

Have an ambitious long-term goal, but take incremental steps to achieve it. Starting with a modest, focused idea and gradually expanding allows companies to pursue audacious dreams while building a solid foundation for long-term success.


Miriam Lopez-Cordova

COO | Big O Tires: Coleman Group

What challenges have you overcome to get here today?

I am who am today not despite my challenges but as a direct consequence of them. I am the true American dream. My mom immigrated to the U.S. for a better life when I was four. In my early years, I learned the importance of perseverance. Overcoming learning a new language and culture while trying to be a kid taught me so much. I quickly learned opportunities are found and would not be handed to me. I learned to become resourceful and always worked hard to find opportunities for myself. Lastly, being able to flourish while being uncomfortable was the best challenge I learned to conquer. Today, being uncomfortable is my comfort zone. 

What does success look like to you?

Success is the legacy I will leave behind for others to know the possibilities. I want other five-foot, dark-skinned Mexican immigrant females to know that everything and anything is possible.


Darin Masao Mano

Principal Architect | Uncommon Architects

City Councilmember | Salt Lake City Council

What challenges have you overcome to get here today?

I grew up with a lot of self-doubt. I wasn’t good at sticking up for myself and often felt like I didn’t deserve the opportunities I was given. Early in my architecture career, I was involved in a project that meant a great deal to me personally. I didn’t stick up for myself as well as I should have and finished that project underpaid, unfulfilled and deeply hurt. This is just one example of when my imposter syndrome and self-doubt have been a challenge for my career. It has taken the constant support of loved ones, a few personal successes and a decent amount of therapy to see my unique value and learn to stick up for myself.

What’s after 40? What do you see in your future?

I see myself focusing on affordable housing. My work on the Salt Lake City Council has helped me connect the dots and see how my various career experiences have prepared me to focus on solving our community’s housing problem. I look forward to designing and developing affordable housing projects and shaping policies to make housing affordable and equitable for everyone.


Rory J. Mele

Director, Environmental Health and Safety | BHI

What is one thing you’re most proud of accomplishing in your career thus far?

I am honored to be part of the crucial initiative aimed at diminishing the stigma associated with mental health and promoting suicide awareness and prevention in the construction and oil and gas industries. My role involves championing the normalization of mental health discussions and empowering individuals, particularly men, to address and prioritize their mental health and well-being openly.

What are you most looking forward to accomplishing in 2024?

In 2024, I am eligible to sit for the Certified Wellness Practitioner (CWP) exam offered by the National Wellness Institute. This certification, coupled with my existing credentials as a certified safety professional, positions me to significantly expand my impact, particularly in addressing mental health and suicide prevention. With the CWP credential, I will be better equipped to develop and implement effective initiatives aimed at changing these statistics.


Daniel B. Miller

CEO | Sure Steel, Inc.

What is the most rewarding thing about your job/industry? Why?

The most rewarding thing about construction, specifically Sure Steel, is that we get to build the backbone of our world. As a company, we have built dozens of data centers—the ones you are likely linked to now on your computer. We’ve built dozens of hospitals that care for and save lives. We’ve built research centers that aim to end cancer. We’ve built multiple aircraft hangars the Air Force uses to house and maintain our military might. We’ve built colleges where top scholars learn and training facilities where future professional athletes practice. And we’ve done all of this with some pretty amazing people. We build the world we all live in, and that is very rewarding.

What is your go-to business strategy? Why?

It’s important to intentionally anticipate and prepare for the future by asking, “What’s next?” We’ve learned that planning and goal setting are essential for achieving our objectives. I like to ask this question and then explore its possibilities. We increase the likelihood of achieving results if we start with, “What’s next?”


Chase Murdock

CEO | Decada Group

Who inspires you most? Why?

Founders are my greatest source of inspiration. Their journey from zero to one is so difficult and requires so much sacrifice—it’s a testament to a founder’s resilience and creativity. At Decada Group, acquiring and stewarding these founder-created businesses is our business model and passion. I know firsthand how difficult the path from zero to one is, and I’m inspired by anyone who’s done it. 

What are you most looking forward to accomplishing in 2024?

At Decada, we acquire great businesses where we believe we can be good, long-term owners. We invest in them for the long haul. They grow in profitability and community impact. Then, we reallocate those profits to buy more great businesses. In 2024, I’m excited to continue this cycle.


Sara Logan Nelson

Director, Marketing | CHOICE Humanitarian

Are you where you thought you’d be when you were 18?

Amazingly, yes. But I took a roundabout way. I started dreaming of working for a nonprofit when I was a teenager, but I didn’t quite know how to get there. I fell into marketing, and I’ve been fortunate that much of my marketing career has been with purpose-driven organizations. After some soul searching, I finally made my dream come true in my mid-30s by jumping into the nonprofit industry.

What is the most rewarding thing about your job/industry? Why?

I have the privilege of highlighting the best of humanity with messages that spark change. Whether it’s inspiring stories of resilience and hope from individuals that my nonprofit works with around the world or the generosity of donors and corporations passionate about making a global impact—all of it shows that the impossible becomes possible with connection and action.


Kristy Ashworth Pack

Owner | Pack Tax Co

What challenges have you overcome to get here today?

I grew up the youngest of four kids, raised by a single mother after my father committed suicide when I was six years old. It was a rough start, but it propelled me to want to succeed. From a very young age, I believed I could create the life I wanted. I’ve faced other challenges within my family and seen many failures professionally. One of the main challenges I’ve encountered was starting a business with three very small children. My children were three, one and a half and four months old the day I opened Pack Tax. I pushed through, knowing that the life I wanted to build would include integrating my family and business.

What is one thing you’re most proud of accomplishing in your career thus far?

My greatest professional joy is the creation of our amazing business team. I was patient and picky in choosing who to bring into our company, and now we have grown a high-quality team. I am so proud of them and feel extreme gratitude for their skill, dedication and friendship.


Dawn Patton

CEO | Patton Accounting & Tax

What is the most rewarding thing about your job/industry? Why?

We all know money, bookkeeping and taxes are notorious for being difficult, being unsettling and bringing out the worst in people. My firm is here to change that narrative for our clients. We help entrepreneurs feel confident, empowered and at peace with their finances. Talk about impactful! We take the fear out of taxes.

What challenges have you overcome to get here today?

My biggest hurdle has always been myself. Having a coach, going to therapy, reading self-help books and being open to feedback from those close to me has been critical in my success (both in life and entrepreneurship). I’ve struggled with imposter syndrome, showing up online, knowing the best approach to situations and a plethora of other challenges. Creating awareness and being more intentional about what I think and how I think has been eye-opening.


Lauren Posey, DMA

Executive Director | Intermountain Suzuki String Institute

What does success look like to you?

I’ve always held myself to a high standard—musically and academically. I am still in the habit of setting new goals, short- and long-term, with any project that I undertake, and they always involve people. My biggest successes have come from helping others reach their highest potential. I’m most proud of the help and guidance I’ve offered others—success is best when it is shared.

What is the most rewarding thing about your job/industry? Why?

The musical community creates an extra space where people come together. There’s a certain respect for diversity in music that’s hard to find elsewhere. To that end, I strive to provide opportunities for young musicians to connect with mentors from across the globe, giving students a more humanistic appreciation of what music can provide, what it can be and what it can mean.


Stacie Proctor

Founder & CEO | Gathrd

Are you where you thought you’d be when you were 18?

No. As a Speech & Drama Sterling Scholar, I thought I’d be performing on Broadway. In life and business, I’ve learned to navigate the unexpected with curiosity, courage and optimism. My underlying “why” in music and theater is my same “why” in business—to create inspiring, transformative experiences with others.

What is one thing you’re most proud of accomplishing in your career thus far?

Building relationships of trust with the clients, partners and colleagues. As a results-oriented business creating high-performance campaigns, Gathrd captured the attention of America’s largest publishing companies early on and was invited to form strategic partnerships. Similarly, we have clients and other groups who see us as essential partners in their business growth and work with us year over year.


Paul Rossiter

President | Energy Management Corporation

What is the most rewarding thing about your job/industry? Why?

Over the next 10 years, power and electricity will grow in demand as there is a continued electrification of everything from industrial processes to transportation. It is a thrill for me to mix exciting innovation with traditional solutions to support an industry facing significant disruption. Additionally, it is gratifying to support the heroes of industry who aren’t necessarily in the sexy tech jobs; they make sure there is power and water on demand, resources processed and available, goods manufactured, and food on our tables. They are the real backbone of America, and we are blessed to work with and serve them as an organization.

What advice do you have for your younger self?

Be more kind and patient with people. I hold a high standard for myself and others, and it can be easy for me to get singularly focused on the way things should be and less forgiving with myself and the people around me. As I grow, I recognize that you can’t be efficient with people. It takes time and investment in the individual connection and embracing what makes us human is important as well.

Karina Sargsian

Employment Law Attorney & Litigator | Holland & Hart LLP

What is your go-to business strategy? Why?

I strive to be a strategic business partner to the companies I have the privilege of serving. Legal frameworks can conflict with the strategies and goals of a business. Instead of viewing these conflicts as limitations, I proactively collaborate with my clients to identify practical, legal solutions that not only comply with the law, but also align with their growth aspirations. My strategy is rooted in collaboration and a proactive approach to legal challenges. 

What challenges have you overcome to get here today?

As an immigrant, my family faced many challenges. The specifics are not what stand out in my mind but rather the people who played pivotal roles in helping us overcome the obstacles. We were fortunate to settle in Utah, a state known for its warm and caring community. Countless individuals entered our lives, demonstrating genuine concern for our well-being and success in our new home. It was a collective effort marked by kindness and selflessness. I carry forward the spirit of community and support, striving to help others on their journey to success in the U.S.


Todd Schultz

COO | Yoppify

What is your go-to business strategy? Why?

Yoppify’s leadership team brings over 80 years of experience in public service. This experience provided us a founder advantage in identifying industry pain points and shaping our initial product-market fit. Our current and future utility partners face unique challenges that we continually work to make better. I try to live by the “give first” mentality, inspired by Adam Grant’s insights, assist utility partners in understanding their pain points rather than dictating solutions, and focus on listening to partners and aligning our products and services to simplify their operations.

What are you most looking forward to accomplishing in 2024?

In 2024, I am excited to collaborate with other govtech companies to enhance our services for mutual utility and city partners and embark on the next phase of our business, focusing on team empowerment and process innovation. 2024 will be a strong year for Yoppify in helping these water providers and cities better deliver water use insights and water conservation programs to residents through modern communication channels.


Gina Shafer

Senior Manager, Foundation Partnerships | Best Friends Animal Society

What is your go-to business strategy? Why?

I aim to be fearless, to never be afraid of being told “no.” That means asking questions, staying curious and being comfortable when you don’t know it all. I love talking with potential donors to Best Friends; I learn about what people care about at the deepest levels. When I stay curious, I learn about legacy and compassion and what it means to do the right thing. 

What does success look like to you?

Success takes resiliency. When I started at Best Friends, I challenged myself to meet 100 people at the organization in my first 100 days. I understood that I needed to know what differentiated us from the rest of the animal welfare pack. I asked everyone this question: What advice do you wish you could’ve given yourself on your first day? The answer was overwhelming. “Change is the one true constant at Best Friends.” I loved this. It meant I was somewhere that valued innovation. To thrive at Best Friends or any place that values how a big idea can change the world, embrace resiliency.


Jonathan Smithgall

Managing Director | Love Communications

What challenges have you overcome to get here today?

When I joined Love Communications in 2012, I was just one of two Digital Media buyers. At that time, Love Communications was a leader in legacy media. However, it was not as focused on digital marketing. My first challenge was to build a team that felt the same enthusiasm as I did for Digital Marketing, and then I had to convince the rest of the agency of the effectiveness of Digital Marketing. I was fortunate that my teammates were amazing individuals who shared my passion and understood my vision. 

What is the most rewarding thing about your job/industry? Why?

Being in an industry that is constantly changing makes it so rewarding and challenging. The ever-changing landscape of our industry gives smaller agencies like Love Communications an opportunity to emerge as change makers. It’s incredible to see that happening right here in Salt Lake City–not New York or LA.


Ginalen Soto

Owner | Roots Coffee & Co.

Who inspires you most? Why?

My business partner, McKenzie Packard. Her positivity and boundless optimism never cease to amaze and motivate me. She is the hardest-working person I know, and she never complains. In the dynamic and often demanding world of business, McKenzie is the beacon of positivity, infusing our work with a contagious energy that propels us forward. I would not be here today without her. 

What is your go-to business strategy? Why?

Mckenzie and I are former athletes; our go-to business strategy mirrors the dynamics and principles of a winning sports team, where collaboration, strategy and effective execution are paramount. We believe in fostering a collaborative and supportive work environment. Each member of our team brings unique skills to the table, and by leveraging those strengths, we can achieve remarkable results together.

Ryan Stolley, Ph.D.

Principal Chemist | Glycosurf, Inc.

Associate Director, Science Research Initiative | University of Utah

What are you most looking forward to accomplishing in 2024?

At Glycosurf, we have a ton of new partnerships and products in development. Putting them through their paces and bringing them to scale is very exciting. At the University, I have a new group of students working through my lab and a lot of progress to make, especially in our collaborations with biology and physics faculty.

What is the most rewarding thing about your job/industry? Why?

I get to create things that have never existed in the universe before, hold them in my hand and share them. Teaching students and giving them an opportunity to explore the nature of the universe and share that magic is incredible.


Paul Tracy

Founder & CEO | Sparked Host LLC

What challenges have you overcome to get here today?

At the ripe age of 13, my lung collapsed for the first time. I was insanely scared and confused. This would continue to happen 12 more times through age 19. I created my company at the age of 15 due to the excess time I had in the hospital and away from high school. I was forced to learn all the challenges of growing a tech business on my own, and one of these big obstacles was learning cybersecurity and service reliability. 

What is one thing you’re most proud of accomplishing in your career thus far?

Receiving recognition from Make-A-Wish in 2019 was a great accomplishment that I proudly carry to this day. Having 25 surgeries and 13 lung collapses (spontaneous pneumothorax) from ages 13-19 was no small task, and I’m proud to have created a successful tech startup along the way. I want to be a success story for the organization and for the Make-A-Wish kids who have it way worse than I did. I’d like to show them it is possible to live a good life after the tragedies.


Rhet Wadsworth

Director, Acquisitions & Business Development | Wadsworth Development Group

What is the most rewarding thing about your job/industry? Why?

The ever-changing industry keeps work exciting, and I am rewarded by the number of true relationships and friendships I have been lucky enough to cultivate over the years.

What are you most looking forward to accomplishing in 2024?

Finding and learning about new profitable niches within the real estate market in an ever-challenging economic environment.


JUDGES | 2024

Betsy Voter | Partner | Michael Best & Friedrich LLP
Betsy Voter | Partner | Michael Best & Friedrich LLP | MANICPROJECT
Christopher Sanchez | Managing Partner | LUX Catering & Events
Christopher Sanchez | Managing Partner | LUX Catering & Events | MANICPROJECT

Betsy Voter

Partner | Michael Best & Friedrich LLP


Christopher Sanchez

Managing Partner | LUX Catering & Events


Grant Miller | Trial Attorney | Salt Lake Legal Defender Association
Grant Miller | Trial Attorney | Salt Lake Legal Defender Association | MANICPROJECT
Megan Bonham | Founder & CEO | Twenty & Creek
Megan Bonham | Founder & CEO | Twenty & Creek

Grant Miller

Trial Attorney | Salt Lake Legal Defender Association


Megan Bonham

Founder & CEO | Twenty & Creek
